Σάββατο 3 Αυγούστου 2024

Olympic Games, an ode to Know Thyself

Lately, I’ve been seeing posts regarding the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and the Olympic torch relay route, since the participation of drag queens in this global event caused a lot of commotion. The whole world expresses its opinion about this in the social media, with the “woke” term to be continually used.

The other day though – within all this internet mayhem – I caught myself thinking about the Ekecheiria, namely the Olympic Truce. Normally, during the Olympic Games, there is a ceasefire. All wars and conflicts stop, and all people around the world are invited to participate in a celebration of life, whereby they acknowledge their very existence and give prominence to their mental and physical abilities as well as develop and improve them. Essentially, this participation is an ode to Know Thyself, through which the human perceives their strengths – both physical and mental – and promote the importance of togetherness, since unity is what makes us grow and evolve – both individually and collectively.

In ancient Greece, there were 33 sports (including theatre and rhetoric), as many as the protocols of a true Democracy and the vertebrae that compose our spine, which is the main support bone structure of our body. This number depicted in our very bodies, as well as in the foundation of Democracy and the Olympic Games, showed that there is harmony and congruence to everything, and nothing is just a mere coincidence. This harmony is basically a prerequisite for the growth of societies and our very physiology that we have to respect and nurture.

Unfortunately, humans decided to tamper with this number and not only. They even tampered with the symbol of the Olympic Games which consists of seven circles, as shown in the image below. They decided to enter a dark path and insult their very existence as well as the environment they live in.

I am writing all of this because I see people talking about the Olympic Games, forgetting their most important rule. The Olympic Truce and – of course – the reason behind it! They have completely forgotten about the fact that people are being killed right now cause of unjust war conflicts, kids are being murdered and on top of that there is a destruction of the flora and fauna of our environment, because – let’s face it – animals suffer too from all of this. I see people not being “woke” at all, but have rather chosen the blue pill instead of the red one. Everything has been so greatly distorted and I do not understand what they are arguing for.

That’s why, we have to go back and search the reason of the Olympic Games and the purpose they serve. Only then, will we be able to fix all this, cause otherwise, humanity will face its worst nightmare. When humans acknowledge the true nature of the Olympic Games, they will instantly recognize the truth of their very existence.

Stop believing and start knowing.

Stop arguing and start searching.

The Truth is the Truce.



Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2024


Όπως ανακοινώθηκε και επίσημα από το Α1΄ Πολιτικό Τμήμα του Αρείου Πάγου, ο Πολιτικός Φορέας «ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΙΣ» λαμβάνει μέρος στις Ευρωεκλογές της 9ης Ιουνίου 2024, με πλήρες ψηφοδέλτιο 42 υποψηφίων ευρωβουλευτών, που προέρχονται από όλη την Ελληνική Επικράτεια. 

Η  Εθνική εκπροσώπηση της Ελλάς στην Ευρωβουλή, από γενναίες και ανεξάρτητες Ελληνικές φωνές είναι επιτακτική, για να κοπεί και να σταματήσει το άδικο που διαπράττεται απέναντι στο Έθνος μας και απέναντι στην Ευρώπη συνολικά.

Σκοπός των υποψηφίων ευρωβουλευτών της «ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΙΣ» είναι ο έλεγχος όλων των συμβάσεων και συμφωνιών, οι οποίες έχουν υπογραφεί, που είτε δεν τηρούνται είτε πλήττουν τα συμφέροντα των Ελλήνων. 

Η διεκδίκηση όλων των κληρονομικών μας δικαιωμάτων στον παγκόσμιο πλούτο και πολιτισμό με σκοπό την ανάδειξη της Ελληνικότητας παγκοσμίως.

Η προάσπιση της ασφάλειας, της οικονομίας, της υγείας και των νόμων με προτεραιότητα την προστασία της φυσιολογίας του ανθρώπου.

Η πραγματική ιστορία μας αποδεικνύει ότι η Ευρώπη είναι των Ελλήνων. Σήμερα πολιτευτές με Ελληνική ψυχή, εκλεγμένοι από την βάση, ετοιμάζονται να μεγαλουργήσουν με Αξίες και Αρχές, διασφαλίζοντας την Ελλάδα και την Ευρώπη στο παρόν και στο μέλλον, με αφθονία υλικών και πνευματικών δυνάμεων και δυνατοτήτων, αντάξιων του Ελληνικού πολιτισμού.